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data switching中文是什么意思

用"data switching"造句"data switching"怎么读"data switching" in a sentence


  • 数据交换
  • 数据开关
  • 数据转换
  • 数据转接


  • Automatic data switching center
  • Automatic data switching centre
  • Data switching equipment
  • In a wide area network , a high speed link to which nodes or data switching exchanges ( dses ) are connected
    广域网中的一种高速链路,和它相连的是网点或数据交换机( dses ) 。
  • To test this step , you can set the data switch layer to talk to this new ( local ) data layer
  • Pertaining to data switching between the devices in a computer , for example , between a memory and a magnetic disc or two discs
  • It is also possible to have multiple workspaces on your computer , and you can use the data switch with eclipse . exe to point to a different workspace
    在计算机中还可以有多个工作区,可以使用eclipse . exe的data开关来指向不同的工作区。
  • This method with “ zero - copy ” technology can avoid the copy operation for several times between the packet queues , make use of data switch and storage of common memory pool
  • Frame relay switching is a new switching technology in data switching . mainly we probed into the system structure and frame format of frame relay switching and data communication in this paper
  • Netflow is a technology which is used to accelerate data switch in network equipment by cisco system . it has a powerful data collection and analysis capability and is becoming the uppermost criterion for ip / mpls traffic flow . which is applied widely in network management field
    Netflow技术是思科公司用在网络设备上进行数据加速交换的一项技术,它的数据采集和测量功能成为最主要的ip / mpls流量分析和计量标准,广泛应用于网络管理领域。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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